
Monday, January 11, 2010

Moma's Boy (Genesis 27-28 / Matthew 8)

Genesis 27 is a very interesting chapter. It brings to my mind the ideal mold of a mama's boy in the form of Jacob and a man's man in the form of Esau. Esau wanted to get his father's blessing but mama's boy was a bit more clever using his moma's advice. In Genesis 28:6-9, Esau tries to regain the favor of his father, but actually ends up bringing more misery upon himself by "adding to his pagan wives (Gen. 26:34-35) a wife from a family God had rejected" (MacArthur Bible Commentary, p. 53). Why is it that when we sin against God, we often get ourselves into more trouble than what we started with?

In Matthew 8, we see that there is a great cost to following Jesus and that Jesus has power over the weather and demonic spirits. Will we kick Jesus out of our town when He does great things or will we accept His ability to change lives (v. 34)?

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