
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cut off? (Leviticus 6-7 / Matthew 25)

In Leviticus 6-7, God gives specific details to the Israelites concerning the burnt, grain, sin, ordination, and fellowship offering. As you read through these chapters, you see how "holy" these offerings are to God (6:17, 6:29, 7:6). The fellowship offering was so "holy" to God that anyone unclean found eating the meat of the offering had to be cut off from his people. Do we really understand that our lives are "holy" offerings to God? Romans 12:1 speaks to us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, "holy" and acceptable to God, which is our spiritual worship. Is God going to cut us off like he did with the unclean person eating the meat of the fellowship offering? The ultimate answer is no, but in a particular way the answer is yes. We can lose fellowship with God when we don't spend time with Him in prayer and Bible study. We can lose fellowship with God's people when we get in the habit of not coming to church.

Matthew 25:1-30 contains two of Jesus's story parables. Verses 1-13 show us that 5 of the virgins acted shrewdly and were ready for the bridesgroom's return while verses 14-30 display the fact that two out of three servants were ready for their Master's return. Are our lives displaying a wisdom that says I am living a "holy" lifestyle and am ready for King Jesus's return?

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