
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Robin Hood (1 Chronicles 10-12 / John 6)

I Chronicles 10-12 matches up well with the new movie, Robin Hood (which is worth seeing). Notice, however, why King Saul died (10:13-14). It was not because he was not a good fighter. David had the respect of the men, even when Saul was still King (11:1-2). David starts his campaign by taking over Jerusalem (11:4-9). Remember the importance of the person David and the city Jerusalem from yesterday's passage. Chapters 11-12 close by noting the massive scale of David's army. As believers of Christ, we are all in the ministry and part of God's army. Are not you glad that you do not have to fight alone?

Jesus said he was the bread of life (John 6:48) and that people should eat of his bread (6:51). But some of the Pharisees thought he was demanding cannibalism (6:52). Jesus knew which disciples would betray him before they ever acted their betrayal out (6:64, 70). But only in His omniscience did He choose the 12 because He knew His Father had a redemption plan that needed to be worked out.

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