
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Get a Life! (1 Kings 3-4 / Luke 18-19)

Pride comes before a fall (Proverbs 16:18), yet Solomon's humility (I Kings 3:7-9) came before his granted request for wisdom from God. More than that, God also tells Solomon if he does what is right, he will also be given long life (3:14). Solomon's profound wisdom included much more than "spiritual" items (4:33). Solomon was what we would term a "well-versed" or "renaissance" man. Are you so spiritually minded that you are no earthly good? Of course, God wants us reading the Bible and praying often. Yet He also desires that "we have a life." Religion can become legalistic, but a relationship with Christ is the most exhilerating thing one can do with their life. Make time to create a balance in your life with spiritual and natural items. In other words, go to a movie, take a trip to the beach, or watch a ballgame from time to time. Just do not let these things become an idol in your life.

Jesus is once again found stumping the Pharisees (Luke 18:1-8) and agitating them beyond belief (Luke 18:9-19). Jesus knew how to silence his critics (Luke 18:26). Since Jesus was God and that means He was all-knowing, this wisdom from above would have come rather easily. If you are in need of wisdom, the Bible says you simply need to ask for it (James 1:5).

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