
Friday, April 16, 2010

Help Me! (1 Samuel 30 / Luke 13)

In I Samuel 30, David and his men are facing desperate times, having lost their wives and children to the Philistines (v. 2). However, God places an individual in David's path (an Amalekite slave) to help he and his men overcome their troubles (v. 15). We all have needs and God often uses the most unlikely to help us meet our needs. Can you think of someone God has placed in your path recently to help you in life's journey? I Samuel closes out with Saul taking his life and his three sons being killed in battle (v. 6).

Luke 13:23-30 matches up well with Proverbs 14:12. At the end of the Day, a lot of "good" religious people will be left outside the gate. We have to remember that salvation is a gift (Ephesians 2:8-9) and that "no one is good" enough to make it to heaven by works alone (Romans 3:10). Jesus's hometown rejected him, even though he had a tremendous desire for his city to be saved (Luke 13:34).

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