
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sorry or Not? (Proverbs 19-21 / 2 Corinthians 7)

This morning's reading was Proverbs 19-21. I personally am not a huge fan of reading three chapters of Proverbs in one setting. This book of wisdom is so rich that it is often said one should read one chapter of Proverbs for every day of the month (since there are 31 chapters). I can write a commentary on one verse from Proverbs, yet I find it difficult to use this entry to explain one chapter, yet alone three. So I would like to concentrate on one verse in today's reading and that is Proverbs 20:24. I have read this verse many times but I do not believe I have fully grasped its meaning until today. God's sovereignty overrules even our decision-making. We can never fully understand where we are in life because without God, we are not even allowed to wake up, yet alone make decisions. We will never fully comprehend our "own way" because it is in God that we "live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28). Stop trying to figure it all out. Instead, put God first place in your life and watch where He will "direct your steps" (Matthew 6:33).

2 Corinthians 7:8-12 explains the difference between godly sorrow (repentance) and worldly sorrow (repentance). If you say I am sorry yet continue to walk in the dark, "you lie and do not practice the truth" (I John 1:6). The problem is not a dim light. The problem is there is no light. Godly sorrow on the other hand keeps with true repentance (7:10) and finds itself truly forgiven in God's sight (I John 1:9). Faith without works is dead (James 1:17).

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