Ezekiel 8-10 reads like a three part mini-series. Idolatry in the temple is noted in chapter eight. In chapter nine, the idolaters are judged and killed and in chapter ten, the Lord's glory departs from the temple. Only those with the Lord's mark were spared in the outpouring of God's wrath (9:4, 8). Those marked by the Lord in Ezekiel 9 make me think of those that will be marked by the Lord in Revelation 14:1-5. Revelation 14 goes on to speak of the coming doom for those who receive the mark of the beast. We do not walk around today with marks on our forehead, but we all are marked. God knows those who belong to him and those who do not (John 10:14). God wishes that no one would perish without knowing the truth of the gospel (2 Peter 3:9), however most go through this life refusing "to love the truth" (2 Thessalonians 2:10, Matthew 7:13). Characteristics of those marked by the Lord include a loving spirit and a holy lifestyle. Can you identify these kind of marks in your life?
Hebrews 13 contains many practical insights. Church leaders exercise spiritual oversight over their flock and should be prayed for and honored. This should take place because leaders will have to give an account one day and because things will work best for everyone in the church when order is maintained (v. 7, 17-18). Also, we should remember those who are in prison (v. 3) and not allow ourselves to be swallowed up by greed (v. 5-6). Christ will equip us to do the work that He sees as our best fit for ministry (v. 20-21). What ministry has God called you to in the local church and community?
Thursday, November 18, 2010
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