
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Once and for all! (Jeremiah 48-49, Hebrews 7)

In case you could not tell, Moab had it coming to them (Jeremiah 48). Jeremiah 49 also gives the destiny of Ammon, Edom, Damascus, Kedar, and Hazor. What do we make of all of this? What bearing does God's judgment on these nations have on us today? I have a two-fold explanation. First, we must do everything in our power to make sure our own nation does not collapse (from within and without) as Moab did in Jeremiah 48. Second, we must realize God is in control of our nation and will have the last word as to the destiny of the United States. To the first point, are you praying for the spiritual well-being and the military personnel of America? And to the last point, do you understand that America stands at the doormat of judgment and that God will have the last say?

Hebrews 7:22 says Jesus became the "guarantee of a better covenant." Hebrews 7:26-28 explains how our current covenant is better than past covenants (Noahic, Davidic, etc.). I, for one, am happy I do not have to take an animal down every year to my pastor so that he can sacrifice it in order for my sins to be forgiven. The "better covenant" says that God's One and Only Son "sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself."

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