
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Face to Face (Daniel 8-10 / 3 John)

Daniel was a man of prayer. We already know that Daniel prayed three times a day (Daniel 6:11). But the three chapters we read today reveal much more about Daniel's character. In 8:27-9:3 and 10:2-3, Daniel is disturbed by his visions and is motivated by a godly fear to pray for himself and his nation. Daniel intercedes for his nation and petitions God to change his mind (9:4-19). Notice how many times Daniel says "we" in his prayer and then read 9:20. Daniel always had his nation at heart and was "highly esteemed" because of his willingness to be a prayer-warrior (9:23, 10:10). God could trust Daniel. Daniel was much like Moses. Moses was able to see God on multiple occasions in a way that most others would never experience Him (Exodus 19:3, 34:2-3) . It is said that Moses was able to speak to God face to face as a friend would speak to a friend and that Moses was able to see God's back (Exodus 33:11, 33:23). Likewise, Daniel experienced a vision that others would not be allowed to see (10:7-9). The vision was so powerful that even Daniel fell to the ground in speechless wonder (10:15). Would you not like to experience God in a powerful way such as these men of God did? How often do you find yourself communing with God? Keep an open phone line with God and you will be amazed at the things He does for you on a daily basis!

In yesterday's passage, John's final greeting is similar to the final greeting we find today (2 John 12, 3 John 13-14). John wanted to see his readers face to face so that his "joy would be complete" (2 John 12). In both greetings, John says that he would rather not write in pen and paper but instead that he longed to see his brothers and sisters in Christ. John spent much time writing about love. We can know that John possessed the love of God in heart because he loved people so much that he could not wait to see them. What guage is your lovemeter at? Do you view people as special and made in the image of God or do you view people as a means to an end for selfish gain?

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