
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Writing on the Wall (Daniel 5 / 2 John)

We often hear the expression "writing on the wall" in our daily interactions with people today. There are certain things and events that are to bound to happen and there are often accompaning signs that lead up to these things and events. We can then look back and say that the "writing was on the walls." This is what happened to King Belshazzar in Daniel 5. The King's days were numbered and his reign was coming to an end (5:26). The real writing on the wall takes place in the first four verses when Belshazzar mocks God to his face by partying in the temple. Daniel even explains in v. 21-22 the difference between Belshazzar and his predeccesor. Both kings were ungodly in their days, however, Nebuchadnezzer humbled himself while Belshazzar did not. God cannot be mocked because one will reap what they sow (Galatians 6:7). God would not let Belshazzar get away with corruption in and of the temple and thus the writing appeared on the wall (v. 22-28). Figuratively speaking, have you ever seen "writing on the wall" appear, hearing a word from the Lord?

"Love" and "truth" permeate their way through 2 John. It is impossible to have one without the other. It is important that we "walk in truth" (v. 4) and that we "walk in love" (v. 6). How would your characterize your love-walk or your truth-walk today?

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