
Friday, December 3, 2010

God's Prescription (Ezekiel 45-46 / I John 2)

When you go to visit a pharmacist at a drug store, you normally take a prescription with you. In Ezekiel 45-46, God gives prescriptions out concerning divisions of the land, offerings and holy days, and temple operations. These prescriptions were God's expectations of his people and his priests. Unfortunately, things were not running up to par. Ezekiel 45:9-10 reveals that inaccuarte scales were being used that resulted in injustice. Violence and oppression had taken over the day (45:9). Does this sound familiar to today? All around us are rings of violence, oppression, and injustice. What is the cure to all that is ailing our world? The only cure is to get back on course and begin living up to the "standard" (45:11). In other words, we have to cash in on God's prescription and take His Word to the bank. We can trust God's Word. If we will get back to following God's Word as our standard, then we will see a new world emerge. A world of justice, peace, and mercy. After all, is this not what God said he required of man in Micah 6:8, "but to do justice, and to love kindness, and walk humbly with your God?" What Scripture prescriptions have you gotten filled lately?

Our Advocate in this world is Christ (I John 2:1). It is a good thing to know that when we fall short of God's glory (Romans 3:23), there is Someone available to pick us back up. There are many things in this world that can drag us down (2:16), yet Christ alone can pick us up and put us back where we need to be. Where have you seen God's grace operating in your life as of late?

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